User Guide of Magento 2 Event Manager


At the back end, go to FME EXTENSIONS > Configurations. Here you will find the following information:

  • Enable Module: Enable or disable the extension.
  • Header Link Title: Enter the title for the header on the events page.
  • Enable Header Link: Enable or disable the header link for the events page.
  • Footer Link Label: Enter the label/title for the footer link on the events page.
  • Enable Footer Link: Enable or disable the footer link for the events page.
  • Standard Latitude: Specify the latitude for the map’s default setting.
  • Standard Longitude: Specify the longitude for the map’s default setting.
  • API Key: Enter the Google Maps API Key (v3).
  • Map Zoom: Specify the zoom level for Google Maps.


SEO Configurations

  • Page Title: Specify title for events page
  • Description: Provide description for events page
  • Keywords: Provide keywords for events page
  • URL Prefix: Provide events page access. URL (e.g.
  • URL Suffix: Provide URL suffix e.g. .html

seo configurations.png

Configure Event Status Messages

Error message for empty collection: An Error message to be shown if no event has been defined for a particular date.

event message.png

How To Manage Events?

At the back end go FME EXTENSIONS > Manage Events. Here you will find the list of all events in your store. You can edit events here as highlighted below. Click on Add New Events to continue.

manage event.png

Here you have to provide the following information to create an event:

General Form

  • Status: Enable/Disable the event
  • Event Title: Specify the title of the event
  • Event Venue: Specify the name for the event venue
  • Color: Select from the given colors to highlight the event
  • Start Date: Schedule start date of the event
  • End Date: Schedule end date for the event
  • URL Prefix: Provide URL prefix for the event
  • YouTube Video URL: Provide video (YouTube only) link for the event
  • Provide custom text, insert widget or insert variable for the event

general form.jpg

Recurring Events

  • Recurring: Enable/Disable recurring option
  • Repeat: Options to specify the repeat schedule
  • Repeat Every: Options to repeat the event (1:mon | 2:mon-tue | 3:mon,tue,wed |..and so on)


Contact Information

Here you have to provide the contact information for the event in the following fields.

  • Contact Person
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Address

contact information.png

Meta Information

  • Page Title: Specify event page title
  • Keywords: Specify event page keywords
  • Description: Provide event page description

meta information.png

  • Specify the store views for the event to be displayed on.

store views.png

Venue Markers

Enter event location in the search field, drag the marker to populate the latitude and longitude in the form fields.

venue markers.jpg

  • Search Field
  • Latitude: Provide latitude on the event location
  • Longitude: Provide longitude of the event location

Event Tickets With Limited Options i.e. Dropdown And Input


  • Options to attach products to the event which will function as the tickets for the event.
  • Options to attach images to the event.
