User Guide of Magento 2 Cancel Order by Customer Extension
General Configurations
At the backend, go to FME EXTENSIONS > Configurations. Here you can find the extension configurations.
- Module Enable: Choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable or Disable the cancel order module
- Enable Cancel Item: Choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable or Disable the cancel item feature
Email Configuration
- Consider Cancellation After: Select a date after which order cancellation requests will be considered.
- Email Sender: Choose the sender of the email.
- Receiver Email Address: Enter the email address where cancellation requests will be sent (used for informing customers about their order cancellations).
- Order Cancellation Email Template: Select the template for the order cancellation email.
Note: The email template is chosen based on theme fallback when the "Default" option is selected.
- Order Items Cancellation Email Template: Select the template for the order items cancellation email.
- Notice On Popup: Enter a notice or title for the order cancellation request popup. This can include terms and conditions for cancellation.
- Notice On Cancel Item Popup: Enter a notice or title for the order item cancellation request popup.
- Label For "Cancel Order" Button: Enter a label for the order cancellation request button.
- Label For "Cancel Item" Button: Enter a label for the order item cancellation request button.
- Apply Now: Click this button to process all order cancellation requests.
Cancel Order Conditions
- Order Status Option: You can allow order cancellation requests with respect to order statuses e.g. you can authorize the cancellation of orders that are ‘On-Hold’ or under ‘Payment Review’.
- Conditions For Payment Methods: Option to add conditions for payment methods. You can set multiple conditions on the payment methods and duration in Days or Hours to limit order cancellations. You can add more conditions by clicking on the ‘Add’ button to customize the cancel order.
- Enable: Enable the Cron Job
- Frequency: Set the Cron Job frequency - daily, weekly, monthly
- Start Time: Set the start time - hour, minute, & seconds
Cancelation Reasons
This section allows you to add multiple reasons for order cancelation. When requesting to cancel an order, customers will select any of these reaons. The reason will also appear in the orders grid.
How to Cancel an Order?
Login to your account and click on 'My Orders'. Here, you will see all the orders you have placed. A new 'Cancel Order' button will appear with each order. You can click this button to submit order cancelation request.
Upon clicking the button, a popup will appear asking for the cancelation reason. You can select from any of the reasons that you have added in the configuration. When you click Submit, the canceleation request will be sent and the status will change to 'Cancelation Request Sent'.
GraphQL APIs
Get Order Cancel Request Status
items {
Get Order Cancel Items Request Status
mutation {
order_id: 52,
order_cancellation_reason: "Order by Mistake.",
order_cancellation_comment: "Cancel order as soon as possible"
) {
Send Order Cancel Request
mutation {
order_id: 52,
order_cancellation_reason: "Order by Mistake.”
order_cancellation_comment: "Cancel order as soon as possible"
) {
Send Order Item Cancel Request
mutation {
item_id: 86,
order_cancellation_reason: "Selected by mistake.”
) {