Restaurer la commande annulée for Magento 2
Optimaliseer het orderbeheer en voorkom verlies van verkoop door per ongeluk geannuleerde bestellingen of veranderende klantgedachten. De Magento 2 Restore Canceled Order-extensie helpt u bij het herstellen van bestellingen die u per ongeluk heeft geannuleerd of die zijn aangevraagd door een twijfelende klant.
- Restaurer les commandes en masse
- Restreindre la restauration des commandes par groupes de clients et pays
- Limiter la restauration des commandes à des méthodes spécifiques de paiement et d'expédition
- Restaurer une commande annulée dans un délai spécifié
- Définir le statut de post-annulation pour les commandes avec et sans facturation
- Écrire un texte personnalisé pour le bouton "Restaurer la commande"
- Vérifier et consulter le nombre de commandes restaurées
- Select Status of Orders to be Restored
- Choose Post Uncancel Status
- Restrict Restoring Orders by Payment, Shipping Methods, Customer Groups and Country
- Canceled Orders
- Restore Orders in Bulk
- Confirmation Message to Restore Multiple Orders
- Multiple Orders Restored
- Restore Order from Order Detail Page
- Confirmation Message to Restore Order
- Restoration Success Message
- Orders Restored
Restore Orders Individually or in Bulk
You can restore a specific canceled order with a single click from the order detail page. For multiple canceled orders, select them in the orders grid and click ‘Restore’ from the ‘Actions’ dropdown to recover them in bulk.
Use Conditions to Restrict Order Restoration
The extension allows you to set conditions to specify which orders can be restored. For example, you can restrict the restoration of orders to specific payment and shipping methods. You can also limit order restoration by specific customer groups and countries. For example, if you select the ‘Not Logged In’ customer group, only orders from this customer group can be restored.
Set Post Uncancel Status
You can restore a pending order (order without invoicing) as well as a processing order (order with invoicing). With this Magento 2 restore canceled order extension, you can choose different statuses for these orders to revert to after restoring them. You can also set the number of days within which an order can be restored.
Customize ‘Restore Order’ Text
You have the option to Write a custom text for the ‘Restore Order’ button. This allows you to provide clear and specific button text.
Verify and View the Number of Orders Restored
When you click on the ‘Restore Order’ button to restore a single or multiple orders, the extension displays a popup message to confirm the action. After restoration, it displays a success message with the number of orders restored.