• French
2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Réchauffeur de cache

Réchauffeur de cache for Magento 2

Based on 0 reviews

Réduisez considérablement les temps de chargement des pages et améliorez l'expérience de navigation des clients en utilisant le Réchauffeur de Cache Magento 2. Pré-générez le cache et réchauffez les pages à l'avance afin qu'elles soient prêtes à être servies lorsqu'elles sont demandées.

  • Planifier des explorations automatiques
  • Donner la priorité aux pages du magasin pour le réchauffement du cache
  • Générer une file d'attente à partir de la base de données ou du plan du site
  • Exclure des types de produits spécifiques de la génération et du réchauffement de la file d'attente
  • Réchauffer toutes les pages du magasin ou un pourcentage spécifique
  • Afficher le rapport du processus de réchauffement
  • Features
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  • FAQS
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    Improved Performance

    Cache warmer helps in reducing the load time for visitors which leads to better user experience and potentially high conversion rates. 

    Better SEO Ranking

    Since page load speed is a crucial SEO factor, improving the speed can improve your store’s SEO performance and achieve higher rankings in SERPs. 

    Reduced Server Load

    With cached pages readily available, the server has to process fewer requests dynamically which leads to reduced server load.


    Schedule Cron Jobs

    Schedule cron job times to automatically generate the cache warming queue and specify how frequently the queue should be warmed. You can schedule these jobs to run every minute, every hour, every sixth hour, or at specific times of the day. You can also send all a specific percentage of the store pages to populate the cache warming queue. 

    These settings in the Magento 2 cache warmer allows you to effectively manage your server load. Schedule cron jobs during times when your server experiences minimum load. 

    Generate Queue from the Database or Sitemap

    You can generate the cache warming queue from two sources: Database or sitemap. When you select ‘Collection’, the queue is generated from URLs listed in the database table ‘url_rewrite’. When you choose ‘Sitemap’ as the source, all the existing sitemaps will appear in the subsequent dropdown for you to select from. You can also add custom URLs to the queue. 

    Exclude Certain Page & Visibility Types from the Queue

    If you are generating the queue from the database, you have the option to exclude certain page and visibility types from being included in the queue. For example, you may choose not to include downloadable products or products that are not visible individually in the cache warming queue. This allows you to populate the queue with only the pages that are important to be cached. 

    Set Caching Priority for Different Pages

    Some store pages are more important than others as they may have important information or are frequently visited. You would want these pages to be warmed on priority. With this Magento 2 full page cache warmer, you can do this by assigning priority levels ranging from 0 to 1 to different store pages. 1 is the highest priority while 0 is the lowest. Pages with higher priority will be warmed first.

    Exclude Particular Pages from Warming

    You can also exclude particular pages from being warmed while still in the queue. You may want to exclude these pages because they are either not frequently visited or unique to each customer. 

    View Cached and Uncached Pages on a Grid

    The extension displays a comprehensive report of the warming process on a handy grid. You can view the number of pages triggered, warmed, and ignored. It also provides related details such as page URL, page type, warming date and time, etc.

    Filter Queue URLs by Status & Date

    Want to view pages that are invalid or uncacheable? No problem. This full page cache warmer for Magento 2 allows you to filter URLs by status. You can also view the number of invalid pages during a specific time period. 

    Frequently Asked Questions