User Guide of Magento 2 Testimonials Extension
On the admin panel sidebar, go to FME EXTENSIONS and click Customer Review and Testimonials Configurations. Here you will find the following settings:
Enable Module: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable/Disable the module
Layout Type: Select any one layout type:
- Detail Layout
- Simple Layout
Simple Layout Settings
- Enable Pagination: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable/Disable the pagination
- Number of Testimonial Per Page: Specify the total number of testimonials that you want to display on one page e.g. 7
- Number of Character Per Testimonial: Specify the total number of characters per testimonials e.g. 500
Dashboard Settings
- Enable Dashboard: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable/Disable the dashboard
- Main Header: Provide header for the testimonial page e.g. Customer Reviews
- Button Name: Enter the name of the button e.g. Write a Review
- Review Note: Enter a review note e.g. Share your thoughts with other customers
- Show Advantages: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Show/Hide the advantages
- Show Dis-Advantages: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Show/Hide the dis-advantages
Reply Settings
- Reply Label Option: Enter a title/label for the reply option e.g. Leave Comments
- Button Option: Enter a title/label for the button option e.g. Add Comment
Add Testimonials Settings
- Customers Allowed: Select ‘No’ to dis-allow customers or specify he allowed customers who can publish testimonials:
- Guests
- Registered
- Form Type: Select any of the following testimonials forms:
- Pop Up
- Sliding
- Need Admin Approval For Testimonial: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable/Disable approval by admin once testimonials are submitted
- Need Admin Approval For Comments: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable/Disable approval by admin once comments are submitted
- Button Name: Enter a text for testimonials submission button e.g. Add Testimonials
- Response Message: Enter a text for testimonial publishing message e.g. Testimonials Successfully Added
Testimonials List
- Page title: Enter title for testimonials listing page e.g. Testimonials
- List Heading: Enter a heading for the testimonial listing page e.g. What Our Customers Say!
- Meta Keywords: Enter the meta keywords
- Meta Description: Enter a meta description
Email Option
Send Emails To: Enter an email address where testimonial submissions information will be delivered e.g.
Email Sender: Select email-sender from the following:
- General Contact
- Sales representative
- Customer support
- Custom Email 1
- Custom Email 2
Email Template: Choose an email template. An email template is chosen based on theme fallback when the "Default" option is selected.
Email Template (Default)
New Pickup Order
New Pickup Order For Guest
Email Subject: Enter the subject of the email for submissions
Search Engine Optimization
● SEO URL Identifier: Specify URL identifier ● URL Suffix: Provide URL suffix e.g. .html
Footer Settings
● Footer Title: Specify the title for the footer link