User Guide of Magento 2 Social Feed Extension
At the backend, go to FME EXTENSIONS > Configurations. Here you can find the extension configurations.
General Configurations
Enable Module: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to enable or disable the module
Landing Page Heading: Set the heading of the landing page, which you want to show on top of the page.
- Landing Page text: Enter text for landing page
- Button Label for Facebook: Enter label for Facebook button e.g. Load More. This Facebook label button will be shown on the front end of the CMS pages.
- Button Label for Twitter: Enter label for Twitter button e.g. Load More. This Twitter label button will be shown on the front end of the cms pages.
- Button Label for Instagram: Enter label for Instagram button e.g. Load More. This Instagram label button will be shown on the front end of the cms pages.
- Link Prefix: Enter the link of prefix e.g. SocialFeed
- Link Suffix: Enter the link of suffix e.g. .HTML
Twitter Settings
For showing live updates of Twitter on the web page, Users have to fill in some requirements to get a feed on the web page. For getting the Twitter API keys for the social feed. The user should have a Twitter Developer account to get access.
Note: follow the following tutorial link to get the Twitter API:
For showing the Twitter feed on the cms page, these are the few requirements to be filled:
- Twitter Handler: Enter the name of the website
- Consumer Key: Enter the Consumer Key
- Consumer Secret Key: Enter the Consumer Secret Key
- Access Token Key: Enter the Access Token Key
- Access Token Secret Key: Enter the Access Token Secret Key
Feed Settings
- Enable Tab: Option to Enable/Disable the tabs
- Enable Caption: Option to Enable/Disable the Caption
- Enable Media: Option to Enable/Disable the Media
- Enable Date: Option to Enable/Disable the Date
Facebook Settings
To display live updates of Facebook on the web page, user have to fill in some requirements to get a Facebook feed on the cms page. For creating a Facebook page user id you can visit:
- Facebook Page User Id: Enter the user id of Facebook. For creating a Facebook Access Token you can visit:
- Facebook Access Token: Enter the Facebook Access Token
Feed Settings
- Enable Tab: Option to Enable/Disable the tabs
- Enable Caption: Option to Enable/Disable the Caption
- Enable Media: Option to Enable/Disable the Media
- Enable Date: Option to Enable/Disable the Date
Instagram Settings
For showing live updates of Instagram on the web page, Users have to fill in some requirements to display an Instagram feed on the cms page. For getting Instagram settings you can visit:
For getting Instagram feeds, users have to follow these steps
- App ID: Enter the application ID
- App Secret ID: Enter the application secret ID
- App Redirect Url: Enter the application redirect URL
- Instagram Access Token: Enter the Instagram access token
Feed Settings
- Enable Tab: Option to Enable/Disable the tabs
- Enable Caption: Option to Enable/Disable the Caption
- Enable Media: Option to Enable/Disable the Media
- Enable Date: Option to Enable/Disable the Date
Customize Blocks for Social Feed
For Social feed, the customized blocks will be created with the help of coding.
- no_tiles="5": It shows the number of tiles which will appear on the cms page.
- enable_fb="0"enable_twitter="1" enable_insta="1"
For customized feed, there are some rules which can be used. For showing the Feed of different social sites on the cms page. Users can set “0” to disable the feed and “1” to enable the feed.
For Example: In the above coding, this code specifies which social site would appear on the page screen and which will not. “0” indicates that the Facebook feed won't be visible to the user whereas, the rest of the code shows that Twitter and Instagram would be easily accessible for the user.
Save the Configurations