User Guide of Magento 2 Restore Canceled Order Extension

General Configurations

At the backend, go to FME EXTENSIONS > Configurations. Here you can find the extension configurations.


  • Enable: Select ‘Yes’ to enable the module
  • Display Text: Write a text for the restore canceled order button
  • Status: Select the order status(s) with which you want to to show the ‘Restore Order’ button.

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  • Order status for Processing: Select the status to which you want to restore a canceled order with an invoice.
  • Order status for Pending: Select the status to which you want to restore a canceled order without invoice.
  • Number of Days: Specify the number of days within which you want to be able to restore a canceled order.

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  • Payment Method: Select the payment method(s) by which you want to be able to restore a canceled order. For example, if you select PayPal, you will only be able to restore those canceled orders where PayPal was used as the payment method.

  • Shipping Method: Select the shipping method(s) by which you want to be able to restore a canceled order. For example, if you select DHL, you will only be able to restore those canceled orders where DHL was used as the payment method.

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  • Allowed to Applicable Countries: You can also restore canceled orders by countries. For example, if you select ‘United States, only canceled orders from the United Status can be restored.


The following screenshot shows the option to restore canceled orders in bulk from the ‘Actions’ dropdown.


The following screenshot shows that you can restore a specific canceled order from the order detail page.


In the screenshot below, you can see the order has been restored and the status has been changed to ‘Pending’.


Compatible with 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7
89.99 Community
$289.99 Enterprise