User Guide of Magento 2 Order Archive Extension

General Configurations

At the backend, go to FME EXTENSIONS > Configurations. Here you can find the extension configurations.

  • Enable on Frontend: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable/Disable the module on the frontend


  • Order Status: There is a list of order statuses. You can choose any order statuses and they will be archived. (Note: Orders from selected order statuses will be archived)
  • Store Views: Option to select the store views where you want to display the bar.
  • Customer Groups: Option to choose the customer groups whom order(s) you want to archive.
    • All Groups
    • Not Logged In
    • General
    • Wholesale
    • Retailer
  • Store Views: Option to choose the store views whom order(s) you want to archive.


  • Shipping Countries: Option to choose the shipping countries whom order(s) you want to archive.
  • Order total: Option to set the price limit of the order which you want to archive. Orders having an amount less than the order total will be archived.
  • Number of Days: Option to set the number of days before the order gets archived automatically.
  • Archive Manually: Option to archive the orders manually. To archive the orders manually, you have to save the above-mentioned settings first and then click on the “Archive Manually” button.


Set up Archive Frequency

  • Frequency: Specify the frequency for archiving orders:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  • Start Time: Specify the time when the order archiving process will occur


Archive Page Settings

  • Page Label: Option to set the page label of archived orders e.g. Archived Orders
  • Page Header: Option to set the heading of the page for archived orders


Archived Email Notification Settings

  • Send Email on Archive: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to send an email notification when an order is archived.
  • Send Email To: Option to provide the email address on which notification should be sent when an order is archived.
  • Email Template: Option to choose the email template for order archive notification


How to Archive Orders?

At the back end, go to SALES > Orders. Here you can find all the orders in a grid. Here you have to perform two steps initially:

  • Step# 1: Select the order(s) which you want to archive as shown in the below image.
  • Step# 2: Click on the “Actions” button at the Left-top, a drop-down menu will appear with several options. By clicking on the “Add to Archive” button, the selected order(s) will be removed from the orders grid and moved to the Archived Orders section.

how to.png

To review the archived orders, go to SALES > Archived Orders. Here you will find all the archived orders in a grid. You can also find Archived Invoice(s), Archived Shipment(s) & Archived Credit Memo(s) by clicking on the relevant buttons as shown in the image below.



You can also unarchive order(s) by navigating at the left top menu “Actions” as shown in the image above. After clicking on this button, a drop-down menu will appear. Click on the “Unarchive” button to unarchive the order(s) from this grid.

Further detail of the order can be seen from the “View” link. This link lead to order detail of default Magento order detail.

Archived Invoice


Archive invoice detail can be seen from “View” link. This link lead to order detail of default Magento invoice detail.

Archived Shipment


Archive shipment detail can be seen from “View” link. This link lead to order detail of default Magento shipment detail.

Archived Credit Memo


Archive Credit memo detail can be seen from “View” link. This link lead to order detail of default Magento credit memo detail.

Frontend Options

  • Users can archive their orders according to their preferences and can only see those orders in "Archive Order "tab.
    • Place an order on the frontend.
    • Your order will be seen in “My Orders” section. Here, you can archive the orders accordingly by simply clicking on the “Archive” button on the right side



  • Note: Customer Archive order have no effect on the admin Archive order.
  • If you archive the order related Invoice, Shipment and Credit Memos will also be archived and vice versa.