User Guide of Magento 2 Minimum Order Fee Extension

General Configurations

At the backend, go to FME EXTENSIONS > Configurations. Here you can find the extension configurations.

  • Enable Module: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable/Disable the module.
  • Frontend Label: Option to give a label to the additional fee charged as a result of not meeting the minimum order amount. This will display in the Cart summary


How to Add Minimum Order Fee Rule?

To enforce a fee on customers who shop less than the minimum amount, you have to create a rule. To do so, click FME Extensions > Manage Rule. Now click Add New Rule to see the following options.

  • Rule Name: Give a suitable name (a name that represents what’s inside the rule) to the rule. This is used for internal purposes only and does not display on frontend.
  • Warning Message: Draft a message that tells customers that they have been charged a fee in case they don’t meet the required minimum order amount. A good message is one that leaves no confusion in the customer's mind. The message is displayed on the cart page.
  • Status: The rule won’t work or will be disabled if you toggle off this button.
  • Fee Type: This dropdown allows you to charge the fee in one of the following two ways.
    • Fixed: Select this option if you want a fixed amount to be charged no matter how less the order value is than the minimum value. For example, if you specify 5 as the surcharge and the minimum order amount is $50, he will be charged $5 extra even if his cart total is $49 or $5.
    • Percentage: Select this option if you want a percentage of the cart subtotal to be charged as extra fee. For example, if you specify 5 and the cart subtotal is $50, he will be charged $2.5 extra (5*50/100).
  • Refund Order Fee: Select ‘Yes’ if you want the extra fee to be refunded after the order is canceled.
  • Minimum Order Fee: Enter the fixed or percentage amount that you want to charge if a customer does not meet the condition. This fee will be applied and visible only if the condition is not met.
  • Priority: If you have created more than 1 rule, you can determine which rule should be executed first by giving each rule a number. 0 has the highest priority.

Screenshot (2).png

  • From Date: Give a date you want for the rule to become effective.
  • To Date: Give a date you want for the rule to end.

The rule won’t work before the start and after the end date.

  • Store View: Select the store view(s) you want to apply the rule to.
  • Customer Groups: Select the customer group(s) you want to apply the rule to.

Screenshot (3).png

Setting Conditions

You have to set condition(s) that will trigger the rule. The rule will apply only if the conditions are met. If no condition is set, the rule will apply on all products.

You can set conditions based on multiple product and cart attributes. For the sake of this extension, we will use the cart subtotal attribute. If you want to charge a fee on a specific shipping region or country or a shipping method, you can do that too.

In the example below, we have set a condition. If this condition is met i.e. if a customer’s cart subtotal is $30, the rule will apply and he will be charged the extra fee and the warning message will be displayed.


Save Configurations.



Compatible with 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7
69.99 Community
$269.99 Enterprise