User Guide of Magento 2 Improved Sorting Extension

General Configurations

At the backend, go to FME EXTENSIONS > Configurations. Here you can find the extension configurations.

  • Enable: Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Enable/Disable the module
  • Show Product Without Image Last: Select ‘Yes’ to show the products with no images at the end of the list.
  • Show “Out of Stock” Products Last: Select ‘Yes’ to show the out of stock products at the end of the list.


Users can set the sort order based on their preferences by simply dragging and dropping.

  • Best Seller: Displays the best-selling products based on the number of orders placed by customers.
  • Biggest Saving: Highlights products with the highest savings by comparing the regular price to the special price.
  • Top Rated: Displays the highest-rated products based on customer reviews and ratings.
  • Price: Sorts products by their price, either in ascending or descending order.
  • Product Name: Shows products alphabetically, either in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order by name.
  • Price: Low to High: Displays products in ascending order of their price.
  • Price: High to Low: Displays products in descending order of their price.
  • Position: Arranges products based on their custom sorting position, as defined in the admin settings.
  • Most Viewed: Displays products with the highest number of customer views.
  • Reviews Count: Displays products based on the total number of customer reviews, with the most reviewed items appearing first.
  • Stock Quantity: Sorts products by their stock levels, showing items with higher quantities first.
  • Now in Wishlist: Displays products that customers have most frequently added to their wishlists.
  • New Arrival: Highlights products based on their date of addition to the website, with the newest products shown first.
  • Relevance: Displays products that are most relevant to the search query entered by the customer.

sorting options.png

Cron Job Settings

Set the frequency and time for the cron job to update product sorting based on the latest details. For example, reviews, prices, and other parameters may change over time. The cron job will apply these updates and sort products accordingly.

  • Enable: Enable or disable the cron job.
  • Frequency: Set the frequency of the cron job to daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Start Time: Set the time to run the cron job.


Sorting by Default

This option allows you to set a default sorting option on category and search result pages. Products will be displayed according to this sorting option on page load.


Customize Each Sorting Option

You can customize each sorting option. For example, you can enable or disable the option, customize it's title, apply it on category page, search results page or both and set its default sorting direction.

new arrivals.png

How to Display Products in Widgets?

You can display products based on a specific sorting parameter on shopping cart page, category and search result pages sidebar.


To promoting widgets on specific website areas, you have to add a widget. To do so, click Content > Elements > Widget. Now click on the Edit button or Add Widget to see the following options.

Here you can find the grid with all your widget fields. Click on Add Widget to continue.

add widget.png

After clicking on Continue, a new field will be displayed.

● Widget Title: Enter the title of the widget ● Assign to Store View: Select one or more store views on which you want to apply this rule (For example main store or default store) ● Sort Order: Enter the order number


After filling the fields, now user can click on Add Layout Updates.

For 1st Layout

Display on: Select "All Product Types" Product: Select "All” Container: Select "Sidebar Main" For 2nd Layout

For 2nd Layout

Display on: Select "All Pages" Container: Select "Sidebar Main"

For 3rd Layout

Display on: Select "Specific Page" Page: Select "Shopping Cart" Container: Select "Shopping Cart Items After/Before"


Save the Configurations.


Category Page


Search Result Page


Compatible with 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7
89.99 Community
$289.99 Enterprise