OtherJanuary 21, 2013

How to Make A Search Engine Friendly eCommerce Website

How to Make A Search Engine Friendly eCommerce Website

From Sellers point of view Ecommerce is more aggressive for new comers. To survive and to be the best you need to understand the importance of few things and Search Engine Optimization is on top of the list. What happens that while making an online store most of the people do not concentrate on SEO factors though they aren’t aware of such things but that can make you trouble in future.

As all of us are aware that Google is getting aggressive day by day and one has to follow its strict guidelines to get through. Please go through the following guidelines, these will help you developing and designing a search engine friendly E-Commerce Store.

Search Engine Friendly Site Navigation

Make sure your website is having a search engine friendly site navigation system. Using flash for website navigation can be a bad idea because it gets tough for Google crawlers to crawl a website having flash navigation system. Don’t worry about fancy looks because now CSS and JavaScript are modern enough to deliver looks you desire.

Correct Placement of JavaScript

Do not forget to externalize the CSS and JavaScript while coding your website. HTML document is a kind of map for search engine crawlers. It directs them what to crawl and what not to crawl so if things I have mentioned above are not externalized that can add more lines to code in HTML and it will make crawler slow and search engine likes to crawl content as fast as possible.

Must have Enough Content

If we talk about content we can consider it backbone of SEO. Your new E-Store should have a good length of content to get analyzed by search engine else it can be avoided and which is not a good sign. Don’t even think about using an image instead of content because it’s good for nothing.

Robots txt and SEO Friendly URLS

These are common things but make sure you don’t allow Google to crawl those pages which you don’t want to get indexed. These can be testing pages or pages which are not actually part of the website. So make sure you disallow them from robots.txt to avoid duplicate content and other issues. Don’t forget to create manual search engine friendly URLs to get good results in search engines. Avoid auto generated URLs and use keyword enriched URLs to get listed.

ALT attributes, W3C and Htags

Let’s talk about three of above in one paragraph. Make sure you assign a meaningful alt tag to image. Search engine take them seriously while considering the page relevancy. So it’s better to not give alt tag rather than giving an incomplete or meaningless one. Make sure your E-Store has a well formatted clean code to make search engine love you and for that you need to follow W3C standards. Do not forget to use Htags in a perfect way do not use H1 twice and make sure these Htags are highly relevant to the content and containing keywords you want to rank for.

This blog was created with FME's SEO-friendly blog