OtherNovember 27, 2012

5 Ways to Decrease Cart Abandonment

5 Ways to Decrease Cart Abandonment

I am a online store owner I am always worried about my cart abandonment and if you have an online store you will be feeling the same. We have a question in our minds that how to convert abandonment into sales.  I practically followed some tips and they helped me reducing my cart abandonment rates I would like to share them with you.

No Registration before Checkout

I am not saying that we should remove the registration process before checkout but an alternative way can be used on trial basis. A GUEST CHECKOUT SECTION will reduce your 23 percent abandonment and registration option can be given to client after he is done with his purchases.

Live Support, Contact Info

First of all make sure your contact information is prominent especially the phone numbers so client can easily find them and contact you if he is facing problem during checkout. During Checkout 76 percent people are looking for support and live chat is a best way to communicate with your clients when they are going through checkout process. These 2 easy steps will save a good amount of your cart abandonment.

One Page Checkout

A complicated and lengthy checkout process always comes up with more abandonment. You can decrease 10 percent of your abandonment by making your checkout process simple. FME EXTENSIONS allows Magento Online Store Owners to make their checkout process simple via One Step Checkout Magento Extensions. Other E-commerce platforms also have different modules for one page checkouts so get the best one to make your own one page checkout system.

Shipping and Hidden Charges

Don’t forget to mention clearly if you providing free shipping because 22 percent people abandon their carts because shipping cost is not mentioned anywhere, free shipping will increase your sales and 93 percent users would likely to buy more products because of free shipping. 22 percent people will abandon the cart because shipping rates are too high so try to keep your shipping rates low and by this way you can actually reduce 44 percent of cart abandonment. Hidden charges will increase the abandonment by 49 percent.

Variety of Payment Options

Give client as many payment options as you can. Variety of payment options helps you increase your sales and decreasing your cart abandonment. There should be all options such as Credit Cart, Debit Card, Paypal, Sagepay, Online Transfer and even consumer can pay via check after purchasing online.


I have always followed all these tips to decrease cart abandonment and somehow I am successful. Follow these techniques to decrease your cart abandonment rate and make a good amount of money at the end of the day.

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