Best Online Events Management Features

Having a professional online events manager that can be customized with Images, video galleries, Google maps, personalized URLs, multiple views is now just a click away from purchase. Let us see the best features any online events manager should have:

- Multiple Configurable views: Such as list, grid or calendar view.

- Custom Messages for events: Instead of just predefined set of messages, you should have a freedom to define your own messages for events such as when an event expires, any notification about it etc.

- Event’s landing page, event detail page and calendar view:

eCommerce platforms like Magento provides easy configuration interface to change the layout of your site’s page to different layouts such as one column, 2 columns, 3 columns, 2 columns right bar etc. This is beneficial when you do not want whole page to be taken by just event’s information and you desire to display other information as well. Magento breaks any page into 3 columns. You can choose any layout accordingly.

- Custom URLs for each event page: This is extremely important for SEO purpose. It allows Google to index your URLs for global search.

- Image and Video Galleries: No one can ignore the importance of images and videos captured on any event and sharing on social networks. Those who missed any event can benefit from these images and videos by watching the highlights. You should be able to embed  Youtube videos with  your events because it is free and powerful medium to spread your information

- Selling tickets for events and collecting useful demographic data of customers that can be utilized for marketing purposes. Customers will then be able to purchase tickets from your site directly

- Google Map integration: This is one of the best approaches to interactively present the location of where the event is going to occur. Customers can easily get to the location and will never miss any chance.

- Easy to use interface: Management of events should not be complicated. It should be easy and flexible.

Having these features on board you can cut human resources to manage events and the associated complications. You can track and execute events just from one interface. Most of the eCommerce platforms provide plugins for these features such as Events Manager Magento extension. This Magento extension allows you to carry all above mentioned tasks very comfortably. This is not just the only, but there are many other such modules available in the market, but it should be assured to get all the above listed features as they all offer best online event management services.

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