Choosing the Right Headless E-Commerce Platform: Top 5 Picks

Choosing the Right Headless E-Commerce Platform: Top 5 Picks

Are you ready to escalate your ecommerce venture to unprecedented heights? The ever-evolving sphere of ecommerce has long relied on the prowess of classic backend commerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, or Magento (now Adobe Commerce). But now, the buzz surrounding headless commerce might have piqued your curiosity. If you're contemplating a switch to headless or seeking the holy grail of flexibility, you're in for a treat!

In this captivating journey through the realms of headless commerce, we'll delve into the metamorphosis of traditional commerce platforms into headless solutions. We're here to guide you on the path to going headless without the bewildering maze of technical complexities and a surplus of associated software.

Understanding the Headless Commerce

So, what's the buzz about headless commerce? In simple terms, headless commerce signifies the elegant separation of your ecommerce store's frontend presentation layer from the technological backend. Picture this: leveraging Shopify Plus for your backend essentials—inventory, compliance, and checkout—while orchestrating an entirely distinct frontend presentation layer for complete control over your site's appearance and functionality.

Today, we shift our focus to the technical backend, assuming a baseline understanding of the overarching concept. However, for those seeking a deep dive into headless commerce, our comprehensive guide is just a click away.

Headless E-Commerce Platforms

Imagine a commerce platform where the frontend presentation layer has been liberally 'decoupled' or granted the ability to exist separately—the 'head' strategically removed from the ecommerce platform 'body.'

But why adopt this paradigm shift? Let's rewind and trace the evolution of ecommerce.

Traditional commerce platforms initially emerged as comprehensive, 'monolithic' solutions for online retail. Picture a one-stop solution catering to all your ecommerce needs, from the frontend experience your customers engage with to the intricate payment processing and PCI compliance during checkout—an all-in-one package. This model, coined as monolithic commerce, served its purpose. However, with the ecommerce landscape's dynamic shift over the last decade, scalability demands more flexibility, leading merchants to opt for decoupling or going headless.

In the contemporary ecommerce arena, online brands strive to craft:
  • Immersive customer experiences
  • Seamless customer journeys
  • Consistent omnichannel encounters
  • Swift and responsive ecommerce storefronts
All these objectives necessitate navigating diverse programming languages and frameworks while ensuring swift, immersive, and consistent user experiences—a challenge that monolithic commerce platforms often struggle to address. These platforms now offer the liberty to detach the frontend 'head' from the backend 'body' by utilizing API calls to reconnect them. You retain access to all the platform's tools while liberating yourself from their front-end limitations.

Which Headless E-Commerce Platforms Lead the Pack?

Several backends embrace headless commerce, even the dominant market leaders. If your business operates on these platforms, there's no need for a complete overhaul—simply transition your content delivery to an independent frontend layer once it's set up and maintain the backend services, ensuring minimal disruption. The foremost headless commerce platforms include:
  • Shopify / Shopify Plus
  • BigCommerce
  • Magento / Adobe Commerce
  • Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC)
  • Elastic Path
Moreover, other backend platforms offer headless capabilities, such as:
  • Spryker
  • OroCommerce
  • Kibo Commerce

The Advantages of Adopting a Headless E-Commerce Platform

Transitioning your commerce platform to a headless architecture not only amplifies flexibility for customization and integration but also heightens the platform's speed. However, the benefits of going headless extend beyond these aspects:
  • Frontend liberty/control: Unshackling from the standard front-end offered by your e-commerce platform is a primary driver for adopting a headless approach. By integrating a headless frontend layer into your tech stack, you unlock a realm of possibilities for crafting extraordinary websites, boasting rich content and lightning-fast loading times.
  • Omnichannel freedom: Without limitations imposed by the backend commerce platform, a headless setup empowers you to deliver a comprehensive omnichannel experience to customers across various touchpoints. Unique customer experiences: Headless commerce empowers you to design distinctive customer experiences independent of channels or devices. Teams can curate these experiences within a frontend environment and seamlessly deliver them across channels, ensuring consistent performance and speed.
  • A low to no-code environment: Divorcing content changes from backend system coding enables marketing and business teams to operate within a code-free setting, depending on the headless vendor and Experience Manager used for content updates. Text, images, or entire web pages can be modified without reliance on backend requirements.
  • Higher lifetime value/lower acquisition costs: The exceptional customer experience facilitated by the frontend design capabilities makes it easier to organically attract and retain customers, reducing expenditure on advertising and nurturing brand loyalty.

The Top 5 Headless E-Commerce Platforms

Having explored what drives a backend headless e-commerce platform, let's delve into the market's best offerings—the top headless commerce platforms along with their strengths and limitations.

In no specific order:.  

1. Shopify Plus

Ah, Shopify Plus, the beacon of reliability in the e-commerce cosmos! It's like the savior for brands, offering an arsenal of tools to bolster your online presence. The Storefront API serves as the gateway to the headless realm, allowing a smooth transition with its extensive documentation. But, hey, the road to headless isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Brace yourself for a bit of integration juggling post-transition, especially if you're fond of third-party apps. Managing these integrations might need some TLC, but fear not, it's a journey well-trodden by many before you.


  • Extensive Support: Abundance of support for transitioning to headless commerce.
  • Well-documented API: Rich API documentation for easier headless implementation.
  • Flexibility in CMS: Allows for a more composable approach to content management.


  • Third-party App Compatibility: Some third-party apps may not function post-transition.
  • Integration Management: Requires meticulous management for seamless integration post-transition.

2. BigCommerce

BigCommerce steps into the ring flaunting its expansive API coverage like a heavyweight champion. This platform doesn't just stop at giving you tools; it hands you the reins to test customer waters right from the front end. Multisite management is a breeze, ensuring your brand's consistency across diverse locales. Yet, there are a couple of stones on this path. You'll need to rework those analytics once you've gone headless, and that checkout form, oh boy, it can be a bit lengthy. But for some, it's a small price to pay for a platform with such breadth.


  • Extensive API Coverage: Offers comprehensive API coverage for diverse needs.
  • Frontend Testing: Enables customer testing on the frontend for better insights.
  • Multi-site Management: Simplifies managing multiple sites for brand consistency.


  • Analytics Re-Creation: Requires recreation of analytics tools post-headless transition.
  • Checkout Form Length: Checkout form can be long, affecting user experience.

3. Magento/Adobe Commerce

Flexibility and robustness, thy names are Magento/Adobe Commerce! Known for its structural prowess, Magento's PWA Studio turbocharges your front end, promising an acceleration in speed that would make a Ferrari blush. Yet, this isn't a leisurely stroll; it's a bit of a hike up a mountain. The complexities involved in management and the costs incurred for frontend development might feel like taking on Goliath. But for those seeking ultimate control, it might just be the climb worth making.


  • Flexibility: Highly flexible architecture for diverse frontend compatibility.
  • PWA Studio: Empowers faster frontends with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).


  • Complex Management: Requires complex management, leading to higher costs.
  • High Development Costs: Frontend development might incur significant expenses.

You also may want to read: Everything you need to know about headless Magento


4. Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC)

Enter the big leagues with Salesforce Commerce Cloud, a platform that seamlessly intertwines with Salesforce's CRM prowess. Offering a suite of top-notch commerce services, it's a dream for enterprise-level businesses. However, tread carefully; this paradise demands a synergistic dance with other Salesforce products for optimal functionality. And remember, this elite club comes with a membership fee, which could potentially stretch the budget.


  • Integrated CRM: Seamlessly integrates with Salesforce CRM for comprehensive solutions.
  • Best-of-breed Services: Offers top-notch commerce services for enterprise-level businesses.
  • Streamlined Salesforce integrations: Enhancing productivity and connectivity through seamless Salesforce integrations for optimized business operation.


  • Dependency on Salesforce Ecosystem: Optimal functionality relies on integration with other Salesforce products.
  • Higher Costs: Being an enterprise-level solution, it comes with a premium price tag.

5. Elastic Path

Elastic Path strides in, brandishing an API-first approach like a blazing torch in the dark. Its microservices architecture signifies a paradigm shift, empowering businesses to sculpt bespoke omnichannel experiences. But beware, you're navigating through uncharted territories here. The road might get a tad tangled with complexity, demanding continuous attention from developers to navigate through this sea of possibilities.

In the vast arena of headless commerce platforms, each contender boasts its unique strengths and pitfalls. Choosing the right platform is akin to finding the perfect wand in Ollivanders – it must align with your business's needs, aspirations, and even quirks. The key lies in navigating these nuances and seizing the platform that's not just a tool but a true ally in your journey toward e-commerce excellence.


  • API-first Approach: Empowers businesses with a flexible and modular architecture.
  • Tailored Omnichannel Experiences: Offers customization for unique omnichannel experiences.


  • Potential Complexity: Building individual aspects might lead to complexity and require intensive developer work.


In conclusion, the realm of headless commerce beckons with a multitude of possibilities, each platform boasting its unique strengths and intricacies. The decision to embrace a specific headless commerce platform aligns with a business's distinct needs, growth trajectory, and long-term e-commerce strategy. As the landscape of headless commerce continues to evolve and refine, an informed and strategic selection of the right platform becomes paramount, charting the course for unparalleled customer experiences and business growth.

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