NewsDecember 20, 2013

Spike In Email Unsubscribing Rate? Know the Reasons & Solutions

Since 2006, inbound marketing has come out to be the most effective marketing strategy for doing businesses online. Instead of employing the primitive methods of buying ads and buying email lists, inbound marketing is more natural and focuses on creating content that is worthwhile that pulls people towards the company and product of their own preferences. Emailing is one of the important tools of inbound marketing which allows the companies to share content with the world and attract potential customers. However, it becomes an alarming concern when a company discovers the rate of its email unsubscribe spike. Experts attribute the unsubscribing of emails to the following reasons: The Company is sending too many Emails According to a survey conducted by Constant Contact, 69% of the people find it very annoying when their inbox is flooded with too many emails from time to time and thus they opt out of email marketing. This should be understood by the online marketers that the strategy of inbound marketing is not to dart the audience with swarms of emails, but sending right content at appropriate time. Your Company Vanished in Time This is also very likely that a company may not send emails to their subscribers in a long, long time. Due to which they might not remember the company itself or the instance when they had decided to subscribe for it. The solution to this problem is simple; re-introduce yourself when you are sending an email the next time and to engage the customers even more, share the latest ongoing in your company, your latest products and newest offers. The Content is Simply Boring 51% of the consumers said that they unsubscribed from the emails because the content was not up to their expectations. Sending an email with a quick message, a boring image and a Call to Action button does not make it appealing. You have to include a blend of almost everything that you think may attract the attention of your customer, it could be anything from high quality content to videos, blogs and splendid aesthetics etc. This should be borne in mind that an email that looks aesthetically fantastic has more chances of getting its message through. Emails are not Tailored The same email, created for one, cannot be sent to everyone on the email list! To get clicks on your emails and make certain that your emails are not directed to the spam section by the receivers is to make it more precise to the customer’s need. Only a customized and personalized email can guarantee active visiting to your site by your desired customers. Emails are Incompatible with Mobile Gadgets As we witness the major trend of shifting from hefty gadgets to more handy and user friendly devices like smart phones, it would be wise for online businesses to capitalize on this growing fad. Emails originating from the company’s end should be compatible to multiple formats. They should be optimized not only for PCs but the mobile phones and tablets as well so as to tap every minute opportunity in the competitive landscape, where competitors fight for an inch of a share. If you are not optimizing your emails to mobile phones then you are deliberately allowing your rivals to have your share of pie, a bigger one indeed. People who find it difficult to open emails on their phones or find the visual effects of the emails unwelcoming simply give up by unsubscribing to such low quality content. Content is Irrelevant 56% of the respondents in the survey replied that the emails they received contained information that was no longer relevant to their needs. For example a mother who was expecting, subscribed to a particular website. But after nine months she no longer required information about products for healthy pregnancy tenure. This customer now expects more! She looks forward to innovations in the company of her choice; she expects new offers and new products. Similarly a man who wanted to buy a new car would not expect the company to email him regarding car prices once he has bought it. Sending redundant messages to clients after their need has been sated simply puts them off and compels them to unsubscribe from such useless bugging emails. Innovation and creativity is the only solution to this problem. The company should anticipate that how consumer behaviour is likely to change with lapse of time and which new packages it has to offer them, to maintain longer relationships. Even though you can be proactive in order to overcome the concern of unsubscribing but the best remedy is always to listen to your consumers. Feedback is one of the most essential and pivotal tools of the service industry and if employed well, can definitely add to the success of the company. Feedback gives people the opportunity to give a reason for opting-out. It will not only assist to collect valuable feedback, it will also give customers the chance to better explain their decision which will positively help the company to personalize its emails and content, and make them more interesting for the consumers.

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