OtherDecember 13, 2012

10 Tips of Increasing Sales by using Quick Views

10 Tips of Increasing Sales by using Quick Views

eCommerce have given relief and benefits to millions of people in many ways, many use for business and many to enjoy shopping online. One of the main focuses of eCommerce is to reduce time that is spent in shopping while provide maximum information to customers. The use of information on internet has revolutionized the way people shop. Quick view is an extremely important and effective tool to be used on website. This tool eliminates page reloads which occur when customers try to view details of different products.

Typically they will go back and forth on category and product pages to view details.  Quick View has many different names associated with it like Quick look, lightbox etc. Mostly this functionality is achieved with the help of AJAX which is an exceptional tool for both programmers and users.

See below the example of Product Quick View Magento Extension . This extension works with Magento CE versions 1.4 to 1.7 and EE versions 1.8 to 1.12. Product Quick View Magento Extension utilizes AJAX technology to provide following features for any type of Magento website:

  • As mentioned above Product Quick View Magento Extension uses AJAX to open up product details in a lightbox. You can upload your desired AJAX progress image
  • Products within any category are easily accessible with the help of previous and next buttons on lightbox. These buttons are customizable such as their labels
  • It supports all product types e.g. simple, grouped, configurable etc.
  • Customers can easily add products to Cart and wishlist from the lightbox
  • Custom color scheme can be configured for mouse over effect on product images. This put focus on quick view button rather than customers clicking the product image. Quick View Button resolves this problem and helps customers enjoy using this powerful and time saving utility.
  • Lightbox or product information popup is completely configurable such as review, short description, Add to cart and Wishlist links, and previous next buttons etc.
  • With the help of Quick View Magento Extension Page load time decreases as well as server load time
  • Customers do not have to wait for product page to load and then add it to cart, instead they can quickly add their desired products to cart and wishlist while on the popup windows and carry on with the shopping
  • Everything presented in the lightbox is clear and easily understandable
  • Appearance of products and information is elegant

So Quick View Magento Extension utilizes very effectively AJAX and thus helps build strong business foundation.

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