Best Magento Extensions You Must Have (2019 Updated)

Best Magento Extensions You Must Have (2019 Updated)

There is no disputing the fact that Magento has successfully emerged out as one of the most incredible and powerful eCommerce web development platforms. And the reasons to love Magento are many. Owing to its SEO friendliness and mobile compatible configuration, Magento provides online business owners with the best solution and is also available in a variety of flavors. (Open source community edition, Magento go hosted solution, enterprise edition).

The platform is built on PHP codes and provides various tools and technologies to promote your e-commerce business. On top of everything else, the fantastic customization ability is the premier reason why Magento is the preferred solution for small and large businesses alike. There are tons of different free and paid extensions available at Magento marketplace that you can integrate into your store to improve its functionality and enhance user experience.

However, as a beginner with Magento, choosing the right Magento extensions from Magento marketplace may appear to be a daunting task. For someone who has no prior experience can literally get lost in the marketplace as there are thousands of extensions developed by dozens of third parties.

Magento 2.x Extensions

1. Canonical URLs Magento 2

You can remove content duplication issue from your eCommerce website using this canonical URLs Magento 2 extension. It is used to beautify the URL of website and make it human understandable with the addition of canonical meta tags. Mainly it’s helpful in removing content redundancy issue from website. You can exclude certain pages to overrule canonicals using this Magento canonical tag extension. Below are the features and link of the product.

Key Features

  • Add Canonical tags to a custom or Store URL, to pagination, layered navigation pages
  • Exclude Canonical Meta tag on certain pages
  • Add rel = “next” and rel = “prev” attributes to show the relation between category and catalog pages
  • Add trailing slash for canonical Meta tag to make all the URLs SEO-friendly

2. Magento 2 Maintenance Page

Using Magento 2 maintenance page and coming soon extension, user can add maintenance page, coming soon page and live mode to website on a single click. Also, user can add and delete media files on the pages to make them captivating. Display a countdown timer on maintenance mode and user sign up option on coming soon page.

Key Features

  • You can collect subscribers and users before launching a product
  • Magento Coming soon page keeps the loyal customers waiting for new product
  • Set up launch date and time so users can revisit website when maintenance mode ends
  • Maintenance mode keeps the user away from the temporarily non-functional part of website
  • White list users via IP addresses to give live access to them
  • Customize text and labels

3. Magento 2 Size Chart Extension

Adding Multiple charts with the desired attributes and appearance is no more an issue after this Magento 2 Size Chart Extension.

Key Features

  • Fully customizable interface
  • Unlimited size charts
  • Increase Store Credibility
  • Supported image formats
  • Free lifetime support and upgrades
  • Import data or input it by yourself
  • Add and Remove size charts
  • Show size charts in a tab or a popup

4. Magento 2 Email Templates

Magento 2 email Templates helps you customize email pages to improve communication. It provides 3 user-friendly themes and mobiles responsiveness. Also, it enhances the content readability on the e-mail page irrespective of the screen size.

Key Features

  • 100 % open source and meets Magento standards
  • Mobile-responsive and increases readability of e mail
  • Add social media profile link to connect to customers
  • Automatically loads logo which can be customized as well
  • Cool and eye-appeasing themes to differentiate between content
  • Free lifetime upgrades and support

5. Magento 2 Gift Wrap Extension

Get the products of online stores wrapped in the beautiful gift wraps using Magento 2 Gift wrap Extension. Magento 2 Gift Wraps empower you to add unlimited gift wraps on your store and generate more revenue by this offer. Help customers to find gift wraps by categorizing them as per their types like, birthdays, weddings, promotions etc. You are free to define rules for store view and restrict gift wraps to specific products and pages. With each product you can show the availability status of any specific gift wrap using Magento 2 gift wrap. Moreover, you can personalize the gift wrap option.

Key Features

  • Add multiple gift wraps in specified categories as per their types
  • Define their store view restriction and show availability status of these wraps
  • Add personalized labels and show gift wraps in checkout step

6. Magento 2 Add Field to Checkout

Magento 2 Add Custom Field to Checkout Extension helps you quickly add customizable fields to the checkout page. Add custom fields to any step of the checkout page and make them optional or mandatory. You can also display custom fields in invoice emails & shipping PDFs.

8 types of custom Checkout fields

  • Text Field
  • Text Area
  • Date
  • Yes/No
  • Multi-Select
  • Drop down
  • Radio Button
  • Checkbox

Supports input validations like

  • Decimal number
  • Integer
  • Email
  • URL
  • Letters – Alphabets
  • Alphanumeric - Letters (a-z, A-Z) or Numbers (0-9)

Key Features

  • Add a Tooltip to each attribute
  • Restrict Fields to Store Views and Customer Groups
  • Free Lifetime support and upgrades


Add custom attributes to the registration form using Magento 2 custom attribute extension. These attributes can intake data in 10 different forms and formats. You are free to define restriction rules to limit access of attributes to specific group of customers. Assign custom titles to these attributes and set their position on registration page. Amazingly this extension is equipped with free lifetime support and upgrades.

Key Features

  • Add custom attributes to signup page
  • Place attributes in a meaningful order
  • Assign titles to each of the custom attribute
  • Show or hide attributes from the sign-up form
  • Restrict additional attributes by customer groups
  • Set default values of attributes
  • Mark attributes as mandatory OR optional

Add Following Types of Custom Attributes:

  • Text Field
  • Text Area
  • File Upload
  • Image Upload
  • Date
  • Dropdown
  • Multiple Select
  • Yes/No
  • Radio
  • Check Boxes

Validate Custom Attributes in Following Ways:

  • Email
  • Decimal Numbers
  • Integers
  • Alphanumeric
  • Letters
  • URL


Magento 2 Booking and Reservation extension is super useful when you want to convert your Magento store into an event-driven site (e.g. doctor's appointment, movie booking system etc.) It provides an easy and user-friendly booking and reservation system. The customer can book products easily according to their need.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Booking product creation for Booking and reservation.
  • Dynamic time settings like create multiple time slots and also set the time span of the slots.
  • Dynamic settings price, promo price, number of items available for each day and hour.
  • Flexible "exclude days" when you store is closed like on holidays, weekends, or other times
  • Able to add address in google maps for each product.
  • Able to add discount, addons & sells for each product
  • Mark attributes as mandatory OR optional

Magento 1.x Extensions

1. Magento Restrict by Customer Groups:

Magento restrict by customer groups extension gives you more control over the process and you can personalize the store experience by controlling customer’s access to certain pages and only show them content that is relevant to them. This extension allows you to show a custom error message or redirect the restricted customers to other pages where you want them to be.

Key Features:

  • Restrict catalog, CMS pages & static blocks
  • Show a Custom message or redirect users to another page
  • Add Manual or Basic Rule Based restrictions & redirects

2. Magento Shop by Brand:

We all know people who buy stuff from the same brand over and over again. Magento Shop by brand extension creates a separate page for each brand and allows your customers to shop by specific brand, manufacturer, supplier etc.

Key Features:

  • Enables Shop by brand functionality for your Magento store
  • Creates a separate page for each brand, supplier/manufacturer
  • You can attach products to each brand for enriched categorization
  • Alphabetical listings to find brands by characters i.e. A, B, C.

3. Magento Custom Registration Fields:

In any online business, information is everything. Magento custom registration fields  extension empowers merchants to add custom fields on the registration page to collect extra information from their customers.

Key Features:

  • Add unlimited extra custom fields to user registration form
  • Allow the users to upload image or file
  • 11 different field types to let you add an option you need
  • Configuration settings for sorting and validating fields

4. Magento Partial Payment:

Magento Layaway Partial Payment extension allows merchants to offer products on payment installments. Allow customers to pay a down payment at the time of purchase and pay the remaining amount in easy installments.

Key Features:

  • Create Multiple types of Global or product specific installment plans
  • Charge layaway fee in fix or percentage of the product price
  • Enable Installment plans for specific product or whole order value
  • Allow users to manage and pay installments from “my account”
  • Manually deduct the installment payment from custom credit card
  • Enable Layaway option for specific payment gateways

5. Magento Store Switcher:

Show your customers region specific products and services with Magento GeoIP Store Switcher extension. This extension automatically detects the location of the customers and redirects them to the specific store as-signed for their region. Enable automatic or manual store switching based on the customer's current location.

Key Features:

  • Automatically detects customer location
  • Enable automatic / manual redirection
  • Customize manual store switching popup
  • MAXMIND GeoIP database

6. Magento Price Match:

Magento price match extension allows your customers to report a lower price on your product and request a discount. You can add a "Found a lower price? Tell Us!" button on your product page to encourage users to report a lower price immediately.

Key Features:

  • Allow customers to report competitor pricing on your products
  • Ajax based Price match and quote request form
  • Reply users to convert them to customers
  • Customize numerous theme elements

7. Magento Refer a Friend:

Turning customers into marketers and brand advocates is something every brand aspires to achieve. Magento Refer a friend is an innovative extension developed by FME to helps store owners to market their products using their customers by offering them rewards or loyalty points for inviting their friends to your store.

Key Features:

  • You can generate unique referral link for your each customer
  • Merchants can set referral commission in Fix or in percentage value
  • You can also view & manage transactions
  • Referral Dashboard for Customers

8. Magento Media Gallery:

As it is rightly said, “a picture says a thousand words”, Media gallery & product video is an extension that helps you to upload / embed videos on your product, category and a separate media gallery page. With the help of this Magento video extension, merchants can display pictures, reviews, tutorials and can also utilize the media gallery page to display company related videos.

Key Features:

  • Show multiple videos on product & category pages
  • Create a dedicated gallery page and display videos under categories
  • Customize video thumbnail & playback setting
  • You can also play videos in a attractive lightbox
  • Media blocks to highlight videos

9. Magento Help Desk & Support Management System:

Having a good and efficient customer support is no longer an option for online stores, it’s a must have. Moreover, the process must be simple and easy to use.

Magento Help Desk & Customer Support System allows your customers to contact your support team though a simple, secure and hassle free support management system. You supports staff can view as well as reply these tickets from Magento backend.

Key Features:

  • You can manage customer tickets and assign them to the relevant departments
  • Reply tickets and prioritize them as per the urgency
  • Customer can also have the opportunity to choose department while submitting tickets
  • Configure email templates and custom messages

10. Magento GEOIP Ultimate Lock:

Spamming and breach of cyber security is an unfortunate reality of internet world. Magento GeoIP extension by FME allows you to block bots & visitors of a specific country, region or IP(s) from accessing your Magento store and make you store safe and secure. With this Magento block IP address extension, you can restrict unnecessary visitors from specific countries to refine your website traffic, prevent spamming, save server bandwidth and avoid orders from the locations where you don't serve.

Key Features:

  • Refine your website traffic by restricting as per their IP addresses, country, or region
  • You can block users visiting the entire store, or a specific products or categories
  • Display a custom message or redirect blocked users

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