Categories Tab, Custom Tab with Wysiwig

Categories Tab, Custom Tab with Wysiwig

Magento Home Tabs

If you have made all of the efforts that will bring more and more customers to your website, then you would understand the importance of well designed and presented home page. It is the place where people around the globe will directly arrive and its impression will be everlasting whether good or bad. It will represent the soundness and quality of your services. So it is vital to have an excellent designed Home page. To add to this excellence, you must incorporate features that will provide pleasurable browsing experience to customers such as layered navigation, Ajax based search etc.

FME Home Page Tabs is one of such solutions that will serve the purpose of ideal customer satisfaction. It achieves its aim by allowing you to display different categories or groups of products on your home page in beautiful separate tabs such as Features Products, Most rated products, Top sellers etc. FME has released an updated version of this extension with more fabulous features to promote your homepage to the extent no one has reached. You might wonder how? Let me throw some light over it. Well, it is a well understood thing that by hosting an eCommerce site your main goal is to sell your products. Customers coming on your site will definitely search for their desired products. Many eCommerce stores implement different strategies to allow users a very convenient searching of their products such as by using Shop by Brands or Ajax based search etc.

With above mentioned solutions i-e Shop by Brands and Ajax based search, customers will at least type-in few letters to search for any product in which case results might come-up on same page or different page which will also involve page reloads. On the other hand FME Home Tabs Magento module does not require any user input; with just a click on any tab customers can find their products easily. It incorporates no page reloads, no typing stuff etc. Besides letting customers easily find out products, it serves another important feature i-e as a marketing tool. You definitely won’t place your fifty or maybe more “most rated products” on home page without using any kind of slider or banner etc. On the other hand customers won’t keep on scrolling if you happen to put them in a scroller because it is tiresome job and to be honest not an elegant approach. One of the best solutions in such case would be to put them in elegant tabs. Let us see below some great features and technical aspects of this Magento plugin.


Nine elegant Magento friendly Tabs that are maximum configurable and have unique features like sorting, custom labels and many more

  • Set your desired layout for this extension
  • Each tab can be limited for the number of products to display
  • Each tab can be set to its own view type i.e. List/Grid view
  • Custom code can be used anywhere in CMS pages or PHTML files
  • Product based on special attribute tab is provided
  • Custom Tab provided with special button fetching multiple categories at once which are required
  • Sort by price feature (ascending/descending)
  • CMS tab provided with power of WYSIWYG editor in the configuration section where you can also place your static block and it will show up in the frontend under CMS tab.

Instead of five in previous version it allows for nine splendid tabs to be displayed on homepage which are configurable from the backend. Each tab has its individual settings section at the backend. In this version 2, you have “Custom Tab” option in which you can display any desired product category, you have a “CMS tab” which is WYSIWYG enabled. I would conclude at the end by saying that this Magento plugin is vital to have on board in case you want to attract customers with elegance and usability features of your store and is a great tool to raise your business revenue.

This blog was created with FME's SEO-friendly blog