Ecommerce Website Security Extensions for Magento

All kinds of businesses that operate via internet are open to the threats such as hacking and virus. The results can prominently effect the reputation of brand which takes time to recover. The more drastic effect is the financial down fall which occurs due to lack of trust and confidence in customers eyes. Online security, for this purpose is critical and asks for well thought and planned measures to be placed in action. FME Extensions has developed following Magento security extensions which can help you to secure your website by blocking specific regions, countries or any IP address.
  • Geo IP  Ultimate Lock
  • Geo IP Default Store
  • Geo IP Country Lock
Let’s review them briefly one by one;

Geo IP Ultimate Lock

This extension provides you rules to apply automated geo restrictions on products, categories etc. It means you can block your products to be accessed from specific countries, region or IPs. This module provides you page level restriction; you can redirect visitors to any other IP or part of your website.  You can monitor all the users who are currently on your website and block them instantly. Read More...

 Geo IP Default Store

This extension allows you to create store views for different regions. Users coming from those regions will be assigned pre-configured store views, e.g., any French user will be automatically redirected to French store view. This saves you from automated spam and threats targeting specific websites. Read More...

 Geo IP Country Lock

The only difference it has from Geo IP Ultimate Lock is the restriction that can be applied on products and categories, and automated rules. This extension allows you to restrict your website from certain countries, region or IPs. Read More...

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